2010年8月3日 星期二

We all are Montessori teacher.

Today is first day that I already completed AMS training program. To recall memory of training. I will say that it is a great multiple culture course. In the time of philosophy , every body share their thinking and experiences that promote our critical thinking. In the period of manipulate material, it also promote us to have great ideas to teach. As result , the most significant gist is to prove that the Dr. Montessori said "aid to
life" base on our beautiful group from different background of society.
今天是完成蒙特梭利 6~9 訓練的第一天, 回顧受訓的課程,可一說是一場非常精彩的多元文化饗宴, 在理論課程的精彩討論, 操作課程的豐富教學慨念分享, 最重要的是 來
自各個領域不同背景的同學 ,我們所激起的火花 正映證了蒙特梭利博士所說的 "aid to life."
